No-Cost HRIS Technology
Investing in simplicity
We work with the majority of payroll providers to simplify benefits and HR compliance processes. Infinitely flexible in our approach, we can “plug in” to existing technology and processes, or provide software and best practices customized to your operation.
One of the ways we re-invest in our client relationships is by providing no-cost HRIS technology to simplify benefits administration. This technology replaces time-consuming, mistake-prone paper forms and processes, and presents your team with a simple and sleek benefits experience.
Check out our HR Technology BluePaper
What’s a BluePaper? At Blue Horizon Benefits, we believe smart people need simplicity too. So we’ve decided to eschew the classic whitepaper model—highly technical, long, and full or jargon—in favor of our BluePaper. We promise to keep it simple, concise and actionable.